New Years in Tahoe

New Years in Tahoe was a crazy time. Katherine, Nick, Brady, Kelvin and I braved it all though – 3 days of rain (so a lot of down time – playing pool, etc) then the power goes out in north lake and west lake (and sleeping in a 41 degree house New Years Eve!). No matter what we had a good time – meeting up with Michelle, Matt, Sarah and Robert at Squaw for the actual New Years Eve celebration too. We did actually get a bit of good skiing in – and ended the weekend at the “Spa at Squaw Creek” with massages, hot tubs and water basketball in the outdoor pool!

Gift exchange and random games

We got together for to get our gift exchange and catch up after Christmas. Of course this included dinner, wine and even a little texas hold ’em (which I lost!!). Then we hit Zeki’s for a couple of drinks and then fusball at Nob Hill Tavern. There are a some great shots in this collection!

Christmas Eve and Day in Vegas

Christmas Eve was the annual dinner hosted by Heather and Randy. We had a ton of food, drinks and of course ended the evening the hot tub. Christmas Day started later this year (good thing the Cody and Kristin are getting older!) and as always was a great day of lounging.