Rossi get’s married!


Matt and Hallie tied the knot this weekend in Denver. It was great to see everyone from all parts of the country – Dave, Shawn, Duke, Jason, Downey and of course the ladies – Tracy and Anne. There are some good shots in there – but I think someone started hitting delete – since I’m remembering a few shots that aren’t there… Hmmm…. Anyhow – it was great to catch up – we need to make sure it happens regularly!

Hanging with Nancy on Sunday


Sunday Nancy and I headed to the last Yankees home game (I still hate them!). Thanks to Nanc (or actually the bank) we had great seats! She had to entertain – and we ended up having a great time and made some new friends – Jim and Adrian (who’s a fellow native Ohian). All in all a great end to the weekend in NYC. Oh yeah – a couple shots of Nancy looking through the girls SF Scrapbook that I delivered.