kamikaze bi-plane ride…

steph and i headed on up to sonoma to take a kamikaze bi-plane ride… so the both of us crammed into the front “seat” of the open air Boeing PT-17 Stearman and headed to 3500 feet to start the fun… it was phenomenal! it was an incredible day – blue skys and warm – and then the fun – barrel rolls, loops, twists, stalls, spins – you name it we did it! of course there are photos here

i also tried the movie feature out on my tiny digital – so here a few clips without sound – each about 15 seconds long and taken out of the left hand side of the cockpit:

clip 1 clip 2 clip 3 clip 4 clip 5
clip 6 clip 7 clip 8 clip 9 clip 10
clip 11 clip 12 clip 13 clip 14 clip 15
clip 16 clip 17 clip 18

trip to paris…

sean needed to go to paris and so i was the perfect reason – i’ve never been to paris, have always wanted to go, and i’m just crazy enough to make him do it! had a great trip – La Tour Eiffel, Basilique du Sacre Coeur, Le Pantheon, L’Arc de Triomphe, Musee du Louvre, the spots in Amelie, etc… friday night dinner and drinks at man ray where wu tang clan made an appearance! all in all a great time with some great new friends! as always… photos here…