kamikaze bi-plane ride…

steph and i headed on up to sonoma to take a kamikaze bi-plane ride… so the both of us crammed into the front “seat” of the open air Boeing PT-17 Stearman and headed to 3500 feet to start the fun… it was phenomenal! it was an incredible day – blue skys and warm – and then the fun – barrel rolls, loops, twists, stalls, spins – you name it we did it! of course there are photos here

i also tried the movie feature out on my tiny digital – so here a few clips without sound – each about 15 seconds long and taken out of the left hand side of the cockpit:

clip 1 clip 2 clip 3 clip 4 clip 5
clip 6 clip 7 clip 8 clip 9 clip 10
clip 11 clip 12 clip 13 clip 14 clip 15
clip 16 clip 17 clip 18

day surfing for the “crew”

i took kj, libusha, and sean out to surf at linda mar beach in pacifica a few weeks ago. of course we took some video of the “events” as well… not great video, but oh well. so here it is:
start of the day
sean in the white water
libusha gets up on the board… for a sec!
the only video of kj before she got hurt!
me wiping out
and me wiping out again!

it was great day – sunny, fun waves and lots o’ fun! oh and great job to libusha who was in the water for the very first time!